Geometry Syllabus

Pebblebrook High School 2.0: Project-based; Problem Solved!

Department:  Mathematics                                                                         Spring Semester 2016

COURSE TITLE:   GSE Geometry                                                      INSTRUCTOR:   Ms. Milani                                               PHONE: 770-819-2521 ext. 801

PHS SCHOOL VISION: Empowering Students to Become Productive Members of a Global Community

PHS SCHOOL MISSION: Modeling and Developing Intellectual, Physical and Emotional Behaviors that Lead to Success for All

·        Increase the Graduation Rate
·        Increase rigor and student engagement (Project-based learning environment)
·        Increase community and parental involvement


  • Unit 1Transformations in the Coordinate Plane: Students will perform transformations in the coordinate plane, describe a sequence of transformations that will map one figure onto another, and describe transformations that will map a figure onto itself.  Students will compare transformations that preserve distance and angles to those that do not. 
  • Unit 2Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs: Students will use transformations and proportional reasoning to develop a formal understanding of similarity and congruence.  Students will identify criteria for similarity and congruence of triangles, develop facility with geometric proofs (variety of formats), and use the concepts of similarity and congruence to prove theorems involving lines, angles, triangles, and other polygons.
  • Unit 3Right Triangle Trigonometry: Students will apply similarity in triangles to understand right triangle trigonometry.  Students will use the Pythagorean Theorem and the relationship between the sine and cosine of complementary angles to solve problems involving right triangles.
  • Unit 4 – Circles and Volume: Students will understand and apply theorems about circles, find arc lengths of circles, and find areas of sectors of circles.  Students will develop and explain formulas related to circles and the volume of solid figures and use the formulas to solve problems.  Students will extend the study of identifying cross-sections of three-dimensional shapes to identifying three dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects.
  • Unit 5 – Geometric and Algebraic Connections: Students will use the concepts of distance, midpoint, and slope to verify algebraically geometric relationships of figures in the coordinate plane (triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles).  Students will solve problems involving parallel and perpendicular lines, perimeters and areas of polygons, and the partitioning of a segment in a given ratio.  Students will derive the equation of a circle and model real-world objects using geometric shapes and concepts.
  • Unit 6 – Applications of Probability: Students will understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data.  Students will formalize the rules of probability and use the rules to compute probabilities of compound events in a uniform probability model.

GRADING POLICY:   Grading is standards-based.

Total %
Formative (Classwork)
Summative (Tests)

Congruence and Similarity
(Units 1 & 2)
(Unit 4)
Equations and Measurement
(Units 3, 4, & 5)

Statistics and Probability
(Unit 6)
Georgia Milestone (EOC)



Please be aware that grades are EARNED by each student, not negotiated at the end of the semester.  Start earning the grades you would like to achieve at the beginning of the semester.

A - 100-90%
B - 89-80%
C - 79-74%
D – 70-73%
F - 69-Below


It is strongly encouraged that you keep your Synergy login information in a safe place and that you have access to the information when needed.  Parents should contact the Main Office (770.819.2521) or Dr. Laroyce Sublett at ext. 099 in order to obtain their synergy password and access information.

Please note that when you are viewing grades in Synergy that a blank grade column for your child has no effect on their grade.  If the space is blank, then your student may not have turned in that assignment due to absence or the teacher may not have entered grades for that assignment at that time.  An “X” means that the student is exempt from an assignment at the discretion of the teacher.


Central Texts:
HOLT McDougal Georgia Analytic Geometry
ISBN: 9780547891255

Books will be assigned to students who request one.  These books should be kept at home to be used as a resource.

Required/Supplemental/Parallel Texts for the Course:  Supplemental/Study materials and work will be handed out in class or on the blog.

EXTRA CREDIT: Bonus points, if offered, will be available throughout the semester to all students on an equal basis and will be related to the academic content of the course.

HOMEWORK:  For homework, students are required to watch video lectures created, edited, and produced by the Geometry teachers at Pebblebrook High School. The videos teach lessons and provide examples in the same way they would receive it in class. While watching the videos, students are required to take notes which I will check at the beginning of class the each day.

MATERIALS NEEDED:   Bring all supplies to class every day!

o   Composition notebook
o   Folder (for loose papers such as homework or tests)
o   Notebook Paper
o   Pencils
o   Glue Stick
o   Tape
o   Compass & Straight Edge
    • Colored pencils/markers
o   Scientific (TI-36X Pro) or Graphing Calculator (TI-84+)


1.        BE ON TIME and COME TO CLASS PREPARED (notebook, pencils, calculator every day).
2.        SHOW RESPECT – keep hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself.
3.        STAY FOCUSED/ ON TASK- every student should participate in class.
4.        NO CELL PHONES or electronic devices unless for classroom activities directed by the teacher.
5.        NO EAR BUDS
6.        NO FOOD OR DRINK
7.        NO SLEEPING
8.        NO STEALING even for a joke.


Because the End of Course Georgia Milestone Exam counts as 20 percent of your grade, it takes the place of a final exam.  The Georgia Milestone cannot be exempted. 


Class participation is an important component of the geometry curriculum. Much can be learned from the exchange of ideas that occurs during class discussions. Frequent absences SERIOUSLY jeopardize your success in this class. The participation grade will be based on the degree of student involvement in the learning activities, including attention to and participation in written and oral exercises, class discussion, preparation for class, and homework.  To reiterate:  If you do not participate in formal class discussions, you will not receive a passing grade for that activity.


It is your responsibility to make up any work missed due to an absence. Students will receive one more day than the total amount of days absent to make up any missed work, provided that the absence is excused. For example, if you are absent for 2 days, you will have 3 days to make up your missed work when your return. You are required to check my blog for daily videos, notes, and assignments.


Students who score 69 or below on the course unit assessment are allowed to retake the assessment once. The retest will be different than the original test and can only be taken after the student completes remediation assignments to be determined on an individual basis by the teacher.  The grade will not exceed a 70 for the unit assessment.


To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings.  School policy states that students may receive Saturday School, In-School Suspension, and Out-of-School Suspension for repeated tardies.

Morning Sessions:  Monday - Friday 7:00-8:00                               Afternoon Session:  Thursday 3:35-4:30


As per the school’s policy, cell phones are not to be used during class time unless directed by the teacher for instructional purposes.  Violation of the cell phone policy may result in an administrative referral.  Students are allowed to bring certain technologies to class (iPad, laptop, Kindle, etc.), but it should NOT interfere with the teaching or other’s learning.


Cheating is considered a serious matter.  Any student who is involved in cheating/plagiarism will receive a grade of zero on the material, an unsatisfactory in conduct, and his/her parents will be notified.

For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:

  • Copying anyone's answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work or homework assignments
  • Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism.
  • Looking onto another student's paper during a test or quiz.
  • Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.
  • Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.


Throughout the year, students are expected to use the classroom blog daily. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the blog and come prepared to the next class. All videos and assignments will be posted daily to the blog.

My blog:

You will find that I’m a pretty easygoing and (hopefully) friendly person.  I have high expectations and you must meet them in order to be successful in the course, but I feel it is my duty to make sure that you learn as much as possible and while you learn, enjoy being in my classroom.  I personally believe that all students in my class have the ability to pass the EOC as well as this course.  My goal is to provide you with the resources to be successful and to make this semester a memorable experience for you.

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